About our Cafe Francais

SAB (Sir Adam Beck School) parents come meet other parents to learn and practice French, at Fair Grounds Roastery & Cafe located on 3785 Lake Shore Blvd. W (at 40th St & Browns Line, 416 251-2233, www.fairgroundscoffee.ca) on the first Tuesday of every month from 730pm to 900pm.

If you are like me, you may not have spoken French in a very long time or not at all. Don't let your rusty French prevent you from coming out to Café Français. Or maybe you just like to have brush up on your conversational French. All levels are welcomed and encouraged. We discuss a wide range of topics: sports, politics, and local issues.

On this blog, I will share information that might be useful to parents of French Immersion students attending Ecole Sir Adam Beck School. Your feedback is welcome.

Open to all, come and join us.
See you there/Bienvenue

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 February 2011 Meeting CANCELLED

Due to the extreme weather expected, I'm cancelling tonight's meeting.

The next meeting will be March 1st at Fairgrounds Coffee as usual.

It's been very challenging this year balancing all my various commitments. Between family, work and volunteering, SAB Cafe Francais has suffered. I have a renewed focus and I'll use this month to make the following meetings better.

Thanks to all,